Without Phase Rush, Cass becomes very easy to lockdown if your team can dodge her ult and even with conqueror you yourself as Anivia and Azir have the range and dps to take her down. With Conqueror, it becomes much easier to kite around her and make her anxious to get her stacks up. Players who pick that are probably actual mains and not meta-slaves, and so you have to be careful around those who have it ,as one q with Rylais and a few e's is practically a death sentence. Now, you shift how you play depending on what keystone the Cass has, as a long time main I prefer Phase Rush to catchup to Azir and Anivia. There's also the fact that Cass can't cancel your ult as long as you don't face her, which you can do by kiting around your ult. It's better to get morellos quickly on Azir to counter he massive healing, same goes for Anivia.Īnivia herself should take advantage of her massive teamfight potential in tight spaces and should be looking to punish a chasing Cass, or to wall off a Cass from the teamfight. Azir may have less dps and good hard cc, but he does have the range advantage. If he gets too ahead early tho you won't be able to kill him again until later in that case but zhonyas), kat (get a feel for how aggressive she wants to play.Odd, I swear Azir and Anivia do alright against her as fellow control mages. This includes, Ekko (in your W he can't e OR even ULT! Also you can stun him and kill him before he can't ult), zed (if he ult await a second and turn to the other side he originated from, time your ult right and you kill him mid ult. Don't follow their roams just ping your teammates and focus on scaling and experience. If you get behind (one kill is the cutoff) just play safe and you'll scale better. Take exhaust and build an early resistance item. Trade kills with her (burning her flash) as often as possible because you will scale better when she loses out on the opportunity to use her flash ultimate on your team via ganks.ĪSSASSINS- your kit is designed to outplay assassins (miasma and ultimate). Just don't get careless and farm half health because she WILL flash ult stun KILL YOU. Use the stun on her AND her stupid bear if she goes in first it's her mistake.
Who counters cassiopeia full#
Just take exhaust and make sure you're full health and you can pretty much 100-0 her faster. If you're stuck in this matchup you should ask too lane to switch with you it really doesn't matter who their top laner is because Syndra is the worst matchup in the game for Cassio.ĪNNIE- you didn't mention her, but a lot of Annie mains think they are going to walk all over you. Not even jungle pressure can help (unless Syndra is stupid). But basically any stun+burst combo is a nightmare for cass because she needs to do damage over time. In fact you kinda have to try to miss to miss it. I used to be a Syndra main until they made some weird particle adjustment on her Q-E stun where now it's retarded easy to land and I can't play Syndra anymore because of how unsatisfying the lack of skill needed feels. Most important is to dodge his E when you do this and avoid the 2nd tic of w's. Or post level 6, pop ghost and just run straight at him and make him panic. My best advice is to wait for jungler pressure. His cooldowns are low enough combined with his passive that baiting out abilities doesn't even really help all that much. If you get a decent early lead the lane is yours and he won't be able to kill you if you have ult up because your stun interrupts his ult. You're going to want jungle pressure to get ahead. Basically he has complete dominion over lane early. If you get snared post 6 you're dead just like you would vs veigar tho. Because she doesn't have a monkey lane wide stun range, it actually takes skill to land it and therefore is always easier to dodge. LUX-is basically the same as veigar except a little more fun to play against.

If you get stunned before his w you're dead. Just move around the middle and at least dodge his w and if you dodge q it's guaranteed kill for you. Also don't be afraid to get in the middle of his e crown.

Once those are on cooldown you can bully the shit out of him for 10-12 seconds (try to force him out/establish a zone). His w and e are super delayed so you can easily make him miss by baiting him into one of these movements. The key to 1v1 is to establish some type of pattern so the veigar thinks he knows where you're gonna go during certain movements. You can easily 1v1 outplay but of course veigar is pretty easy to gank if you come from opposite directions. Cassiopeia puede causar mucho daño en un instante y mantenerse una distancia relativamente segura así que sería recomendable utilizar campeones que puedan lanzarse sobre ella y devolverle el daño, o usar personajes que puedan atacar a la distancia estos campeones te aportarán ciertos beneficios contra. You don't really need jungle pressure in this one. Because all veigar mains think they can absolutely destroy Cassio and if you're bad Cassio they will. XERATH is toast if you dodge his skill shots/force him to push wave for trades and freeze lane on your side and get your boosted jungler to gank repeatedly if the xerath is pushed too far.